Industrial Technology Research Journal Phranakhon Rajabhat University <p>วารสารวิจัยเทคโนโลยีอุตสาหกรรม มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏพระนคร (IDTECH.PNRU) เป็นวารสารที่ผ่านการตรวจสอบโดยผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิ (peer review) เผยแพร่รายงานการวิจัยและบทวิจารณ์ภาษาไทย/อังกฤษในทุกสาขาของเทคโนโลยีและวิศวกรรม มีการเผยแพร่ปีละสองฉบับทั้งแบบออนไลน์และฉบับพิมพ์ ไม่มีค่าใช้จ่ายในการส่งหรือดำเนินการกับผู้เขียน</p> <p>ดำเนินการตีพิมพ์ในศาสตร์เกี่ยวกับ เทคโนโลยีและวิศวกรรม ได้แก่ เทคโนโลยีและวิศวกรรมไฟฟ้า อิเล็กทรอนิกส์ อุตสาหการ เครื่องกล โยธา คอมพิวเตอร์ พลังงาน สิ่งแวดล้อม เทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศและสาขาอื่นๆที่เกี่ยวข้อง</p> en-US (ผศ.ดร.จุฬาลักษณ์ ชาญกูล) (ผศ.กีรดิษ สายพัทลุง) Mon, 14 Sep 2020 09:52:48 +0700 OJS 60 Increasing the Efficiency of the Bottled Water Packaging Process Movement by Using the Kaizen Concept: Case Study Drinking Water Factory <p>Drinking clean, sterile and safe water will result in good health. At this time, there is a tendency for<br>the demand of clean bottled water according to the increasing population. There are many bottled drinking<br>water entrepreneurs which are aware of the importance of production that can respond to the customers<br>need. Drinking Water Factory has the idea to increase the efficiency of the production process which has 6<br>steps as follows: filling water into empty bottles, closing the lid of the bottle and put into the cart,<br>transporting cart to the packaging room, arranging bottled water to the table, packaging wrapping, and air<br>blowing procedures. From the above processes, there was a problem in the transporting to the packaging<br>room process as it takes too much time. There are also redundant steps in transporting to the packaging<br>wrapping room and arranging the bottled water to the table. The staff has put the water bottle with no<br>systematic arrangement. Resulting in the process of arranging bottled water up the table taking too much<br>time to sort the researcher therefore has an idea to increase the efficiency of the bottled water<br>transportation process by using theKaizen concept: KAIZEN 7 QC Tool's and the PDCA quality management<br>cycle. By using of blocks and conveyor rollers to arrange the bottles orderly and easily, the transporting<br>process can significantly reduce work and process time.<br>The research result shows that the improvement of packaging transporting process by blocks and<br>conveyor rollers tools can improve the delay problem, reduce work, and reduce the time spent. The<br>original process time before the improvement was 371.91 seconds and the time spent after the<br>improvement reduced to 68.94 seconds or 81% less.<br><br></p> Thepsatri Rajabhat University, Industrial management technology Faculty of Science and Technology, Thonburi Rajabhat University Copyright (c) 0 Sun, 05 Jan 2020 00:00:00 +0700 Forecasting for Production Planning: Integrated Circuit Factory Case Study <p>This study aims to develop the forecasting production product for Integrated Circuit Industry by<br>considering the production of three products; TM-001 TG-001 and RM-012 with Time Series Analysis that<br>use 4 methods as follows; Trend Analysis Holt’s Trend-Corrected Exponential Smoothing Moving Average<br>and Single Exponential Smoothing. The result form forecasting production data with Minitab 18.0. We<br>found that Trend Analysis method was the best error measurement for product TM-001 TG-001 and RM012.<br><br></p> Thanakorn Miengarom, Prasit Krailomsom, Wolawit Leelawan Copyright (c) 2020 Sun, 05 Jan 2020 00:00:00 +0700 Production Scheduling for Reduce the Process Time: A Case Study Warehouse <p>The objective of this research is to 1) assess the practical process in warehouse department 2)<br>reduce the waste time of working process and 3) compare new methods with the existing method based<br>on priority rules. The experimental results show the working time of first come first serve method was<br>118.58 minutes and utilization were 0.82%. The shortest processing time method provided an average<br>job working time decreased by 16.60% when comparing to the existing method and worker utilization<br>increased by 7.51%. The longest processing time technique showed average job working time slightly<br>decreased by 0.20% and worker utilization decreased to 1.62%. Critical ratio method increased the<br>average job working time by 5.26 %, while worker utilization decreased to 4.27%. Least slack job rule<br>reduced both the average job working time and worker utilization by 5.57% and 1.20%, respectively. The<br>conclusion indicated that the shortest processing time technique was the most effective method due to<br>better solutions.<br><br></p> Thadawat Sriwilaiwat, Kantaphon Tantiwerabut, Anucha Hirunwat, Pasura Angkulanon Copyright (c) 0 Sun, 05 Jan 2020 00:00:00 +0700 Deteriorated Lead-acid Battery Recovery Machine <p>This research paper presents the design and construction of a depleted lead-acid battery<br>regenerator, focusing on 12 V, 75 Ah automotive batteries in general automotive applications. By choosing<br>to use a Buck converter circuit to generate a PWM signal to control the desired frequency and duty cycle.<br>Using a frequency of 20 kHz and a high frequency pulse technique to stimulate the battery. The<br>experiment will discharge before and after stimulation of the battery. To analyze energy storage and<br>discharge by connecting to a 150 W load, the results obtained were analyzed and summarized. Before<br>stimulation, energy is stored at 75 Wh after stimulation Store energy at 158 Wh Battery performance<br>After the experiment, the efficiency was increased by 109%, in line with the objectives set by the special<br>project team and in line with the relevant theories. Make the battery last longer than that</p> Natthawat Woranetsutthikun, Isaree Srikun, Parichat Kaensom, Ratchanon Sudsra, Apimook Svanperthan Copyright (c) 2020 Sun, 05 Jan 2020 00:00:00 +0700 Calculation of inverter for photovoltaic power system for residential building with program Visual Studio <p>The purpose of this project study Calculation of the inverter using Visual Studio 2017 program<br>by means of collecting all data on the conversion of solar energy to AC from solar cells while the<br>operation method starts from collecting data related to Battery calculation using pro visual studio 2017<br>with electric equipment, fan size (45w), TV size (37w), washing machine (200w), light bulb (15w),<br>fluorescent lamp (35W), air conditioner (1045w), pump. Water (400w) by inverter is used to convert DC<br>to AC depending on the number of solar panels used.<br>Therefore, from bringing various values Such as the electricity cost of electrical equipment inside<br>the residential building and inputting data into visual studio2017 program found that the size of the<br>battery of the photovoltaic power system 11610.82 Ah and I get 12 A, the total power is 327,835 w and<br>will get 14 inverters of 25 kw to get a total watt of 350,000 w.<br><br></p> Ouaychai Wongrat, Pichat Rattanaboontawee, Sitthut Madee, Adisak Thongchuay Copyright (c) 2020 Sun, 05 Jan 2020 00:00:00 +0700 Calculation of battery size for photovoltaic power system for residential building with program Visual Studio <p>This workflow study provides an idea of how to determine the size of the electrical system<br>walking in a residential building by means of data collection and control and navigation with the visual<br>studio dian program. Take advantage The building electricity is approximately 45 size, 37 electric beds,<br>200 washing machines, 15 electric lamps, 35 fluorescent lamps, 1,045 electric lights and 400 kilo water<br>pumps.<br>Therefore, from the rent, including electricity cost of electrical equipment inside residential and<br>modern buildings, data into visual studio2017 program found that the size of the old electrical system<br>11610.82 Ah and the voltage 12 A, the total value was 327835 w.</p> Pichat Rattanaboontawee, Sitthut Madee, Ouaychai Wongrat, Adisak Thongchuay Copyright (c) 2020 Sun, 05 Jan 2020 00:00:00 +0700