Computer Simulation of Plastics Sheet and Film to Help Slit Die Design

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Chanyut Kolitawong
Supat Arunworradirok


This research objective is to study a coathanger die for plastics sheet and film manufacturing. Toextrude the molten plastics through the die, engineers need to control the constant outlet pressure across thedie width to maintain the uniform outlet velocity. The geometrical variations of the die such as the manifoldradius, slit height and width affect shear stresses and thus the flow fields in the slit die. In this study, a powerlaw fluid flow in the slit die is simulated by using Fluent, a commercial program. All parameters aredescribed through dimensionless groups, thus one creates dimensionless charts from the relations betweenthe dimensionless parameters helping extrusion die engineers to design a coathanger die for a specificplastics sheet and film.

Keywords : Coathanger Die / Plastic Sheet / Slit Die / Die Design

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Author Biographies

Chanyut Kolitawong, King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, Bang Sue, Bangkok 10800, Thailand

Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Faculty of Engineering.

Supat Arunworradirok, King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, Bang Sue, Bangkok 10800, Thailand

Graduate Student, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Faculty of Engineering.