Nanoindentation of Silicon (100) Studied by Experimental and Finite Element Method

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Nurot Panich


This study presents the nanoindentation tests of silicon (100) by experimental and simulation techniques.The indentation processes were simulated with the ABAQUS finite element (FE) software programme. Themodels have the ability to simulate the loading-unloading curves, simulate the development of plastic deformationduring indentation and extract intrinsic material property data from the test. Computed load-displacementcurves from FE models are compared with the load-displacement curves measured by the experiments. Thehardness results obtained from simulation show that they are in good agreement with the measured results.

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Author Biography

Nurot Panich, School of Materials Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Republic of Singapore, 639798 Rajapark College Management and Technology, Bangkok, Thailand 10310

Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering.