Effect of Frequency and Poling Field on the Electrical Properties and PTC Effect of BaTiO3+0.9ZrO2 Material

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Thongchai Panmatarith
Kingkan Poatong
Varaporn Anuntapornpanich


Disc-shaped pellet’s samples were prepared by Standard ceramic techniques. Sample formular wasBaTiO3+0.9ZrO2 and had yellow-white color. When the sample was measured in ac electric field, impedance (Z),conductance (G), capacitance (C) dissipation factor (D) and quality factor (Q) at frequency (f) 100 Hz, 120 Hz,1 kHz, 10 kHz and 100 kHz were in the following equations : Z = 45.64f-0.9013 ; G = 0.004f-0.5619; C = 3.3468f-0.0872; D = 0.1877f-0.3516 and Q = 5.3587f0.3496. Sample impedance decreased rapidly in 1 kHz to 20 kHz interval. Samplecould filtered high frequency voltage in 200 kHz to 320 kHz interval. Sample was poled with electric field 3.96kV/mm for 48 s , resistance before and after poling were 11,900 MΩ and 24.075 kΩ, respectively. Sampleshowed PTC effect after poling, resistance increased very rapidly in 80 oC to 82 oC interval with resistanceincreasing rate equal 1205.39 kΩ/ oC. Curie temperature (Tc) was about 80 oC. Sample was capacitor beforepoling and PTC thermistor after poling.

Keywords : Material Properties in AC Electric Field / High Pass Filtering / PTC Thermistor

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Author Biographies

Thongchai Panmatarith, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai 90112

Associate Professor, Department of Physics.

Kingkan Poatong, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai 90112

B.Sc. Student, Department of Physics.

Varaporn Anuntapornpanich, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai 90112

B.Sc. Student, Department of General Science.