Universal Rectifier Using Current Conveyors

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Adisak Monpapassorn
Sanae Maitreechit


A universal rectifier using four current conveyors, two second-generation current conveyors (CCII+s),and two CCII+/-s, is presented. The proposed rectifier performs positive half-wave, negative half-wave, positivefull-wave and negative full-wave rectification in one circuit. Simulation results using the PSPICE program withCMOS current conveyors fabricated in 0.5 μm CMOS technology of MIETEC were performed. The results showthat the proposed rectifier can be operated with an input voltage in the range of - 300 mV to 300 mV with thesupply voltages of ±1.2 V and the power consumption of 0.88 mW. Additionally, the results also show therectification for a 100 mVpeak sine wave signal at a frequency of 100 kHz.

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Author Biographies

Adisak Monpapassorn, South-East Asia University, Nong-Kham, Bangkok 10160

Assistant Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering.

Sanae Maitreechit, South-East Asia University, Nong-Kham, Bangkok 10160

Assistant Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering.