Delayed Time Effect before Compaction on Strength of Soil Cement and Soil Cement with Renolith

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Phanuwat Suriyachat
Tadapong Pratomvong


Delayed time compaction was one of the uncontrolled problems in soil stabilization that use soilcement in road construction. According to the restriction from Department of Highway Thailand that durationfrom the beginning till the final of compaction method should not exceed two hours. Some time compactioncannot be done on time due to some problems taking place and would take longer time. From these problemsmentioned above, the literatures reviewed in the past about effect of the delayed time before compactionmotivated the study of the delayed time before compaction in soil cement. In this study the comparative resultsof unconfined compressive strength of soil cement and soil cement with Renolith were carried out.

The result showed that optimum cement content which was used in this study under conditions ofunconfined compressive strength (UCS) of soil cement at least 17.5 Kg/cm2, factor of safety equal 1.6, at the timeof curing 7 days and soaked in water for two hours before testing was 3% by weight of air dry soil. Moreover,the results showed that while the delayed time increased, the values of unconfined compressive strength decreasedat the rate 2.1 Kg/cm2 per hour at all cement content ratio both in cases of soil-cement and soil-cement-Renolith.In addition, the values of unconfined compressive strength were not significantly changed while the Renolithcontent between 0% to 10% by weight but in case of Renolith content at 15% by weight, the values of UCS were20% higher at all delayed time. Furthermore, while maintaining UCS at least 17.5 Kg/cm2, the delayed timebefore compaction of soil cement with 15% Renolith can be extended to 4 hours.

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Author Biographies

Phanuwat Suriyachat, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Bangmod, Toongkru, Bangkok 10140

Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering.

Tadapong Pratomvong, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Bangmod, Toongkru, Bangkok 10140

Graduate Student, Department of Civil Engineering.