A Study of Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Technique for Data Compression Purpose

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Thumrongrat Amornraksa


This paper describes a compression method in which k bits, taken from n bits of binary bitstream, are embedded into the remaining n-k bits using watermarking-type techniques to generatea compressed data. In decompression process, the embedded k bits are first extracted from thecompressed data. The extracted k bits are used to recover the original n-k bits, and both sets ofdata are then combined to create the n bits of original binary bit stream. With this method, thecompression rate of n/n-k can be achieved. Based on this idea, the Direct Sequence SpreadSpectrum (DS-SS) technique that has been widely used in wireless communications and digitalwatermarking applications is considered for the use in a compression scheme. The study wasperformed by analytical and simulation method to determine how well it performs in data compressionapplications. The results from our study showed the possibility of using DS-SS technique for datacompression purposes.

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Author Biography

Thumrongrat Amornraksa, King Mongkut'’s University of Technology Thonburi Bangmod, Toongkru, Bangkok 10140

Lecturer, Department of Computer Engineering.