Comparison of Molding Sand from Various Sources in Thailand

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Banjerd Seanjun
Kobsin Thaveesin
Nuchthana Poolthong


This research study of properties of silica (SiO2) sands from five different sources inThailand, namely Rayong, Chantaburi, Trad, Chumporn, and Songkla. Physical properties, chemicalcompositions, molding properties were investigated.

The results showed that the sands from Chantaburi and Trad had the highest silicacontent of 99.2%. The sands from Songkla contained slightly lower silica content of 99%, andthose from Rayong and Chumporn 98.8%. When considering sand size and distribution, it wasfound that largest percentage of the sands had the average particle size of around 0.150 mmaccounting for almost 70% (68 - 69%) for sand from Rayong and Songkla. The size distributionof sands from Chantaburi were the widest (0.106 - 0.710 mm) compared to those from othersources.

The results of molding properties showed that all sands had highest Green CompressiveStrength (GCS) at moisture content of 2 - 3%. Sand from Chantaburi gave the highest value ofGCS at 116 kN/m2. In the case of permeability properties, the values decreased in the order ofChantaburi, Trad, Chumporn, Rayong and Songkla. The Dry Compressive Strength (DCS) of thesand from Songkla gave the greatest value at 974.22 kN/m2 compared to the others. However,when the moisture content of the sands was 8%, the greatest value of DCS was given by the sandfrom Chumporn.

Keywords : Molding Sand / Properties of Molding Sand

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Original Articles
Author Biographies

Banjerd Seanjun, Rajamangala Institute of Technology, Chiang Mai Northern Campus, Chiang Mai 13000

Lecturer, Department of Production Engineering.

Kobsin Thaveesin, King Mongkut’'s University of Technology Thonburi, Bangmod, Toongkru, Bangkok 10140

Assistant Professor, Department of Production Engineering.

Nuchthana Poolthong, King Mongkut'’s University of Technology Thonburi, Bangmod, Toongkru, Bangkok 10140

Lecturer, Division of Materials Technology, School of Energy and Materials.