Dynamic Shear Test on al Hollow Cylinder Raw Natural Rubber using DMA

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Vilaiporn Luksameevanish
Manus Seadan


A designed hollow cylinder rubber specimen tested in shear deformation using a Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer series 7 (DMA7) produces a lower variation coefficient for the storage modulus data than that of a compressive pellet sample in a cup and plate deformation as recommanded by the equipment manufacturer. This shear test has been developed to characterize four grades of natural rubber; STR 5L, STR 2O, RSS and Skim Block, tested over a frequency range of 0.1 to 50.0 Hz, 100 “C and 0.5 % strain. To confirm the test result from this design specimen tested on DMA7, a comparison was made with a capillary rheometer result is investigated. Based on the assumption of an equivalence of dynamic angular frequency and shear flow rate, an agreement of the dynamic complex viscosity and the apparent shear flow viscosity was found.

Keywords : Shear Test, Dynamic Mechanical Properties, Hollow Cylinder Specimen,Viscosity

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Author Biographies

Vilaiporn Luksameevanish, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani, 94001

Lecture, Physics Section, Faculty of Science and Technology.

Manus Seadan, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani, 94001

Assistance Professor, Physics Section, Faculty of Science and Technology.