Heat and Mass Transfer Models in chilling Process of chicken

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Peamsuk Suvarnakuta
Suwit Siriwatanayotin
Sakarindr Bhumiratana


The objective of this research is to study the mathematical model for prediction of simultaneous heat and mass transfer in the chilling process of fresh whole chicken. The model predicts both the temperature and the weight uptake of eviscerated broiler in counter current chilling process. The rotary chilling tank is partially filled with slush ice and aerated by compressed air and the birds move though by a rotating screw.

The mathematical models based on the analytical method using 2 geometric forms i.e. hollow sphere and flat slab with two kinds of boundary conditions are proposed. The simultaneous heat and mass transfer model in the slab with any kind of boundary conditions predicts the temperature closed to that obtained from the heat conduction model. However, the simultaneous model could not explain the change in weight uptake since the water does not equally diffuse though all tissue layers. Most part of the water is trapped in the connective tissue between the skin and the muscle. So the heat conduction in slab with the first kind of boundary condition is suitable for predicting temperature histories in this commercial chilling. Since, the weight gain must not exceed 8 percent; the time spent in chilling process must not exceed 30 minutes. In the commercial immersion chilling process, the water supplied in the first stage should be as cold as possible in order to rapidly decrease the temperature. The aeration should be applied for promotion of heat transfer.

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Author Biographies

Peamsuk Suvarnakuta, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Bangmod, Toongkru, Bangkok 10140

Graduate Student, Department of Food Engineering.

Suwit Siriwatanayotin, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Bangmod, Toongkru, Bangkok 10140

Lecturer, Department of Food Engineering.

Sakarindr Bhumiratana, National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Sri-Ayudhya Rd., Bangkok 10400

Associate Professor