Single OTA RC-Oscillator

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Adisak Monpapassorn


This paper describes an RC-oscillator that applies a high frequency CMOS Operational Transconductance Amplifier (OTA), which is capable of providing an output frequency up to 75 MHz. This circuit consists of three main components: 1) the OTA circuit which is composed of four MOSPETs and a constant current source 2) a current to voltage circuit with a resistor and 3)a lead-lag network which has two resistors and two capacitors. In addition, the new 0.8 pm MOSPET technology has been applied in this research project.

In one experiment, the design circuit was simulated using the PSPICE program. The most important results revealed that the proposed circuit design provides high output frequencies when employed in low-level environments, whether composed of devices or power consumption. The output of the proposed oscillator is displayed as a sine wave, which can adapt the frequency by adjusting the value of the resistance or capacitance.

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Author Biography

Adisak Monpapassorn, South-East Asia University

Lecturer, Department of Electronic Engineering