Computer Aided Performance Analysis of Shaded-Pole Motors

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Sanchaiya Pasomkusolsil
Pramern Oupaja
Monthon Leelajindakrairerk
Sulee Banjongjit


The development of a software package for performance analysis of single phase shaded-pole motor is presented in this article. This software is run on a personal computer along with Microsoft Windows operating system. The initial stage of this calculation method is to solve the currents in each circuit by Cramer’s Rule. Later,the calculated currents are then used for performance calculation. An example of performance analysis of shaded pole motors is shown with Shaded Pole Motor Performance Analysis Program (SHPMPAP). This research can be applied to the design of a shaded-pole motor and to be used as a guide for further development.

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Author Biographies

Sanchaiya Pasomkusolsil, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Lardkrabang

Graduate Student, Department of Electrical Engineering

Pramern Oupaja, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Lardkrabang

Graduate Student, Department of Electrical Engineering

Monthon Leelajindakrairerk, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Lardkrabang

Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering

Sulee Banjongjit, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Lardkrabang

Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering