A Study and Construction of Neodymium YAG Laser

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Pichet Limsuwan
Prapard Prisuwanna
Chonjaraun Tipsuwan


The constructed neodymium YAG laser system is a pulsed solid-state laser which emitsthe laser pulse at the wavelength of 1.064 micron. The laser system consists of a Nd:YAG crystalrod with a length of 100 mm. and a diameter of 6 mm. The Nd:YAG crystal rod is pumped by aflashlamp with a length of 100 mm. and a diameter of 8 mm. The crystal rod and the flashlampare placed at each of two focal lines of hollow cylindrical reflector with elliptic surface andcoated with chromium for high reflectivity. The flashlamp is excited by a dc high voltage of 1,000V. The laser output energy and the laser peak power obtained from this laser system are 140 mJ/pulse and 3.5 kW. respectively. In this experiment ,by shooting the laser on a metal plate face, theresult showed that a small hole having approximately 1 mm. in depth and 0.75 mm. in width wasoccured on the ~~eial plate.I

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Author Biographies

Pichet Limsuwan, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Thonburi

Associate Professor, Department of Physics

Prapard Prisuwanna, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang.

Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineeting

Chonjaraun Tipsuwan, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang.

Graduate Student , Department of Electrical Engineering