Resins for, Removal of Heavy Metals Modified from Natural Rubber

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Pleonpit Boochathum
Praweena Tira


Application of natural rubber to remove heavy metals was carried out using chemical addition reaction of ion exchange functional group to the rubber molecules. Modified natural rubber having ion exchange functional group was called, herewith, “Rubber Resin”. Two types of Rubber Resins were prepared, Rubber Resin, type A and type B. The efficiency of these Rubber Resins to remove metal ions from water was investigated using various kinds of heavy metals,including Cu. Zn. Cr. Fe and Ni. The standard metal solutions with concentrations of 20, 50. 80 and 100 ppm were prepared at pH 5. The amounts of heavy metals in solution before and after treatment with Rubber Resin were determined using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS). It was found that the efficiency of removal of heavy metals from water of Rubber Resin type A and Rubber Resin type B was not different with the exception of Fe, Cu and Cr. Fe and Cu could be better removed by type A Rubber Resin. On the other hand, Cr could be slightly better removed by type B Rubber Resin at the studied concentrations. The maximum efficiency (q,,,) of removal of heavy metals for both type A and B Rubber Resins were found to be in the range of 0.9-2.31“,depending on the types of metals removed. The percentage of removal of heavy metals obtained could reach 52% depending on the following factors; metal type, initial concentration of standard metal solution and the amount of Rubber Resin used.

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Author Biographies

Pleonpit Boochathum, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Thonburi

Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry

Praweena Tira, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Thonburi

Graduate Student, Department of Chemistry