Seismic Performance Evaluation of RC Bridges by IDA of Single-Run ESDOF and ISA

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Prakit Chomchuen
Virote Boonyapinyo


This study aims to present the applicability of incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) of equivalent single degree of freedom (ESDOF) and incremental static analysis (ISA) by incremental capacity spectrum method (ICSM) for evaluating the seismic performance of single column bridges. A lateral load pattern that includes higher mode effect for single-run displacement-based nonlinear static analysis to evaluate the lateral behavior of multi-degree of freedom (MDOF) analytical model is proposed. The failure criteria include the interaction of axial force and bidirectional moments, shear failure and column drift limit. The efficiency of the proposed load pattern is investigated through evaluating seismic performance of the typical single column bridge with three different column heights in Bangkok, Thailand. The results show that the different load patterns result in difference capacity and stiffness of ESDOF. The results also show that the IDA of ESDOF with the proposed load pattern can be used efficiently and accurately for all studied bridges compared with IDA of MDOF. Moreover, using IDA of ESDOF for evaluating the seismic performance of the studied bridges can reduce the computational time about 15 times per load case compared with IDA of MDOF. The ISA by ICSM also reduces the computational time because the nonlinear time history analysis is not required for this method. However, the ISA by ICSM shows acceptable results only for the studied bridge with high first-mode participating mass ratio. The results also show that the spectrum acceleration of MDOF at collapse are 0.746g, 1.130g, and 0.461g for the studied bridges with 4.5 m., 6.3 m., and 15 m. column heights, respectively.

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How to Cite
Chomchuen, P., & Virote Boonyapinyo. (2024). Seismic Performance Evaluation of RC Bridges by IDA of Single-Run ESDOF and ISA. Science & Technology Asia, 29(1), 133–159. retrieved from


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