Service Life of Reinforced Concrete Structural Members

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V. Guru Prathap Reddy
T. Tadepalli
Rathish Kumar Pancharathi


Estimating the remaining service life of a structure is an essential part of bridge management systems (BMS). This involves investigating multiple deterioration mechanisms in concrete via chemical attacks due to chlorides, sulphates, acids, carbonation and other external effects. The influence of materials used in construction, exposure conditions, and maintenance history of the bridge are normally studied for estimating the remaining life. In the present case, an analytical study was performed to understand the deterioration in concrete due to carbonation. Carbonation occurs when carbon dioxide (CO2) enters into concrete through interconnected pores under humid environmental conditions. The effect of carbonation on the initiation time of corrosion in bridges can be determined based on IRC: SP 60-2002. In the current work, the effect of carbonation on different types of cement -Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) (Type-1), OPC + fly ash (Type-2), OPC+ silica fume (Type-3), with varied grades (M20 to M50) and types of concrete of different dosage (air entrained and non-air entrained) and rate of carbonation is compared for (sheltered and non-sheltered) and structures with different exposure conditions. It was found that the effect of carbonation on service life is less in the presence of supplementary cementitious materials, while air-entrained concrete is less susceptible to the impact of carbonation than non-air-entrained concrete.

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How to Cite
V. Guru Prathap Reddy, T. Tadepalli, & Rathish Kumar Pancharathi. (2024). Service Life of Reinforced Concrete Structural Members. Science & Technology Asia, 29(1), 123–132. retrieved from


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