Potential Ectoparasiticide for Dog and Cat Fleas; a Combination of Ficus Minahassae Extract and Latex from Carica Papaya L.
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The purpose of this study was to examine the chemical composition of mixed extracts of Langusei fruit (Ficus minahassae L.) and papaya latex (Carica papaya L.), as well as to conduct bioassays on fleas of the Ctenocephalides genus. LC-MS/MS was used to determine the combined extract's chemical makeup. The toxicity of the extract combination was tested in vivo on cat and dog flea imago. The phytochemical screening of Langusei extract and papaya latex yielded all of the major phytochemicals. The LCMS/MS results revealed that the combination of Langusei extract and papaya latex contains six chemicals. Four substances were identified: 3-butenyl glucosinolate, erythromycin, aluminum palmitate, and henpentakontilbenzena. Four compounds indicate a novel chemical. The combined extract was most lethal to both Ctenocephalides felis and C. canis in the P4 treatment (10%), with an average death of 100%, matching the control mortality of the synthetic insecticide deltamethrin. C. felis had the best LD50 in the F1 formula (4.003 mg/L), while C. canis had it in the F3 formula (3.733 mg/L). According to the findings, the combination of Langusei fruit extract and papaya latex may include novel chemicals. These chemicals are highly poisonous to Ctenocephalides ticks. As a result, it has the potential to be used as an ectoparasiticide for Ctenocephalides ticks.
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