The Polya Theory and Permutation Groups


  • Ferdinand Yap Tomakin


Permutation Groups, Cycle Index Polynomial, G-orbits, Power Group, Stabilizer, Figure Counting Series, Configuration Counting Series, Transitive Group


This paper presents a thorough exposition of the Polya Theory in its enumerative applications to permutations groups. The discussion includes the notion of the power group, the Burnside's Lemma along with the notions on groups, stabilizer, orbits and other group theoretic terminologies which are so fundamentally used for a good introduction to the Polya Theory. These in turn, involve the introductory concepts on weights, patterns, figure and configuration counting series along with the extensive discussion of the cycle indexes associated with the permutation group at hand. In order to realize the applications of the Polya Theory, the paper shows that the special figure series gif.latex?c(x)&space;=&space;1&space;+&space;x is useful to enumerate the number of gif.latex?G-orbits of gif.latex?r-subsets of any arbitrary set gif.latex?X. Furthermore, the paper also shows that this special figure series simplifies the counting of the number of orbits determined by any permutation group which consequently determines whether or not the said permutation group is transitive.






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