Physical Performance and Cardiopulmonary Function After 12 Weeks Uchikomi Training with Hand and Leg Weight load Program in Thai Judo Athletes
Uchikomi training program, Physical performance, Cardiopulmonary functionAbstract
Judo is a popular martial arts style and Olympic sport with a rich, though relatively recent history. Beyond being a popular martial art, judo is also a combat sport. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of 12 weeks Uchikomi training with hand and leg weight load program (UTP) on physical performance and cardiopulmonary function in Thai Judo athletes. In Uchikomi training group (UTG; n= 18), subjects are trained by using normal Judo training program (NJTP) 2 days / week including with the UTP 50 minutes / session (10 minutes warm up, 30 minutes UTP for 60-80% of HRmax, 10 minutes cool down) 3 days / week in consecutive 12 weeks. Subjects in control group (CG; n = 17) were practiced only NJTP. Results of baseline characteristics showed no significantly difference in CG. While, in UTG were shown decrease significantly difference in percentage of total body fat, waist circumference (WC), hip circumference (HC), and heart rate (HR). The results of physical performance and data of cardiopulmonary function test showed improve highly significant difference (p<0.001) within UTG, but not within CG when they were compared at week 1, week 7 and week 14. This study shows that UTP is a new Judo training exercise model to be suitable for improvement physical performance and cardiopulmonary function in Thai Judo athletes.
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