2nd Order Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Factors that Influence Construction Labor Productivity
Second-order confirmatory factor analysis, Labor productivity, ConstructionAbstract
The decline in labor productivity in Thailand is relatively high and has an upward trend in which Thailand focuses on capital and labor factors rather than labor quality development. This is because most of the construction budget is allocated to labor costs. Poor construction labor productivity is also one of the causes of excessive cost and time on construction projects. Therefore, having a highly productive workforce at each stage of a construction project will play an important role in the project's success to demonstrate the success of a country or organization; people involved in the construction industry should pay more attention to improving labor productivity. This research aims to focus on finding factors that are important to labor productivity in the construction industry. Data were collected from 336 construction workers, and a second-order validation component model was analyzed using the Amos program. The results demonstrated that the model was consistent with the empirical data. The importance of sub-components to key components of labor productivity was ranked as follows: Safety, with an element weight of 0.992, holds the highest importance. Supervisors, rework, weather, social factors, and psychology contribute significantly, with component weights of 0.947, 0.621, 0.598, 0.552, and 0.212, respectively. Involved in the construction industry can use the information as a guideline to increase labor productivity in construction projects to be effective and sustainable.
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