The The Effect of Waste Dust Limestone Aggregate on Mechanical Properties and Thermal Conductivity of Cellular Lightweight Concrete Block for Masonry Walls
lightweight concrete, waste dust lime stone crushed, thermal conductivityAbstract
This research studied the effect of waste dust lime stone crushed aggregate on mechanical properties and thermal conductivity of cellular lightweight concrete block for masonry walls. Cellular lightweight concrete made from Portland cement, water, sand, air bubbles and waste dust lime stone crushed. The waste dust lime stone crushed is a garbage or waste material of the mill stone, Subpaiwan Kansila Co., Ltd. replacement of sand of 0, 40, 60 and 80 % by mass. All mixing ratios are constant and control with radiating flow values of 110±5%. Constant sand to cement ratio (S/C) of 1.25, foaming agent to water ratio of 1:40 and control the density of the foam is 40-45 kg/m3, constant foam volume of 1.5 % by mass. The compressive strength, unit weight, volume of water absorption, volume of porosity, sound absorption and thermal conductivity of concrete were tested. Test results showed that the 28 days compressive strength of cellular lightweight concrete of 67-113 ksc, unit weight of 1,100-1,300 kg/m3, volume of water absorptions of 15.26-20.15 %, volumes of porosity of 18.66-24.75 % and thermal conductivity of 0.44-0.58 W/m.K The results when the quantity of waste dust lime stone crushed increases, the compressive strength, unit weight and thermal conductivity are reduced. And make the volume of porosity and water absorption are increases. Moreover, using waste dust lime stone crushed that is garbage or waste material from the mill stone industry to maximize use. It adds value to industrial waste materials. It is also the basis for the development of cellular lightweight concrete mixed with waste dust lime stone crushed. For use in the sustainable construction industry.
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