Study on Slope Failure by Limit Equilibrium Method And Finite Element Method of Highway Embankment and Remediation A Case Study No.1270, Kong Loi – Mae Hae tai Route sta. 21+000
Slope Failure, Limit Equilibrium Method, Finite Element MethodAbstract
This research aimed to investigate a failure of highway embankment No.1270, Kong Loi - Mae Hae Tai, Chiang Mai Province. It appllied two different geotechnical engineering methods, limit equilibrium method and finite element method. The results showed that limit equilibrium method and finite element method obtained the R² values of 0.935 and 0.960, respectively which are similar. The main factor affecting a slope failure is the water flowing from the embankment and to the unprotected slope. This causes an erosion that begins at the toe slope and gradually progresses to the main structure up to the pavement layer.
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