Biodegradability and COD Fraction for Anaerobic Excess Sludge Digestion by Ozone Pretreatment
Biodegradability, COD fraction, Ozone pretreatmentAbstract
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of ozone pretreatment on waste activated sludge (WAS) considering the degradability and COD fraction at 0.1-0.5 g O3 /g TS. The SCOD/COD ratios were indicating parameter for capable of solubility that to reflect the extent of hydrolysis. As well as BOD/COD ratios and Biochemical Methane Potential, BMP were used to evaluated the WAS biodegradability. The results showed ozone concentration 0.5 g O3/g TS higher SCOD/COD ratio and biodegradability. And the result of BMP at 0.4 g O3/g TS ozone concentration showed highest biogas rate which is 0.33 L/g CODremove.
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