Utilization of Rice Husk Fiber and Water Hyacinth Fiber Forming Polishing Pad for Sapphire Chemical Mechanical Polishing (CMP)
Sapphire chemical mechanical polishing, Polishing pad, Agricultural wasteAbstract
Most semiconductor are made from elements, which are crystalline solid structure that must be polished to be flat surface for printed circuits. Using combination of chemical oxidation and mechanical forces in the polishing process, called chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) which requires synthetic fiber polishing pads as consumables. This paper studies on forming polishing pads by using natural fibers instead of synthetic fibers to adding value to agricultural waste products. The natural fibers Used for forming a polishing pad are rice husk fibers and water hyacinth fibers of 30 mesh, 40 mesh, 60 mesh mixed with polyurethane binder to form polishing pad diameter 120 mm. the polishing pads were subjected to mechanical testing and the sapphire CMP testing. The results demonstrated that both fibers are moldable and stable. The rice husk fiber polishing pad has a better Material Removal Rate (MRR) Than the water hyacinth fiber polishing pad and the 40 mesh rice husk fiber polishing pad has the highest polishing rate.
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