Seismic Retrofitting of Steel Brace Frames Using Different Bracing Configurations
Push-over analysis, Steel structure, Seismic retrofitAbstract
In many regions, old structures might be designed to withstand only gravitational loads due to lack of information about seismic risk. However, with more seismic records available, seismic design requirements had been incorporated into recent design codes. Many buildings which were designed according to outdated codes might need seismic performance evaluation, as well as, seismic upgrading, if needed. In this study, a steel frame structure, which was designed according to outdated codes, was evaluated for its seismic performance. Push-over analysis was performed to evaluate seismic capacity of the structure and its performance level. Three retrofit schemes were proposed and compared. The results showed that the Retrofit-A, in which an additional span of the chevron brace was added, improved lateral stiffness of the structure. The Retrofit-B, in which all bracings were changed to concentric, showed improvement in ductility and stiffness. The Retrofit-C, in which all bracings were enlarged, showed similar behavior as the Retrofit A.
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