The Relationships between Life Experiences, Sense of Coherence, Coping Strategies, and Depressive Severity of Suicide Attempt Survivors
Sense of coherence, Depressive severity, Suicide attemptAbstract
Using a correlational research design, this study explored the relationships between life experiences, sense of coherence, coping strategies, and depressive severity in 146 people who survived a suicide attempt. Data were collected using the Negative Event Scale, Sense of Coherence Questionnaire, Coping Strategies Questionnaire, and Depression Rating Scale. Cronbach’s alphas for internal reliability were 0.98, 0.83, 0.77, and 0.84, respectively. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Spearman rank correlations. The results revealed that the average age of the suicide attempt survivors was 36.5 years. The majority were females (63.7%); less than half had no medical conditions (43.2%). The causes of attempted suicide were stress and anxiety (82.2%). On average, the survivors had attempted suicide twice. The correlations between negative life experiences and the scores of a sense of coherence, coping strategies, and depressive severity were rs = -0.368, -0.324, and 0.266, respectively (p ≤ .01). The correlation between coping strategies and sense of coherence was not statistically significant (rs = 0.071), whereas a sense of coherence was negatively related to depressive severity (rs = -0.768, p ≤ .01). Moreover, the total score of coping strategies was negatively related to depressive severity (rs = -0.242, p ≤ .01). Although causation cannot be determined with correlation, strengthening a person’s sense of coherence might decrease a person’s severity of depression and improve coping strategies.
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