Sulfide Removal Efficiency in Aqueous Solution with Synthetic Ion Exchanger from Litopenaeus vannamei Shrimp Shell
Ion Exchanger, Sulfide, Ion Exchange CapacityAbstract
The research objective is to synthesis ion exchanger from Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp shells for remove sulfide ion in aqueous solutions. The batch experiment revealed that the optimum conditions of synthetic ion exchanger 3.0 g, initial concentration of sulfide solution 0.5 mg/L and an ion exchange time 60 minutes at pH 4, the sulfide removal efficiency was 86.08±0.29% and an exchange capacity was 0.0016 mg/g. The column experiment which synthetic ion exchanger 3.0 g was packed, retention time 60, flow rate of 1.25 ml/min revealed that the sulfide removal efficiency was 97.71±0.09% and an exchange capacity was 0.0292 mg/g. In addition, the generation of used synthetic ion exchanger was investigated by 0.5 M and 1.0 M NaOH solution. The results found that the removal efficiency were 83.67±0.33% and 61.99±0.76%, respectively (p<0.05). The FTIR spectra confirmed that sulfide ion exchange process occurred because the absorption intensity of the amino group decreases after exchange sulfide ion in aqueous solution. Therefore, biosynthetic ion exchanger can be utilized to remove sulfide from aqueous solutions and can also add value to waste materials that must be disposed of further.
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