Risk Factors Correlated with Musculoskeletal Disorders of Electronic Industrial Workers


  • Kasama Kongprasert Master of Science, Program in Occupational Health and Safety, Faculty of Public Health, Khon Kaen University
  • Sunisa Chaiklieng Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Health, Occupational Health and Safety, Faculty of Public Health, Khon Kaen University


Risk factors, Musculoskeletal disorders, Electronic Industrial worker


This cross-sectional analytic study aimed to investigate the factors related to the highrisk of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs). There were 294 participants of electronic industrial workersho have been working at the production department for at least 1 year. Data was collected between May–June 2022, using a structured questionnaire, ergonomics risk assessment of standing and sitting postures, MSDs health risk assessmentmatrix that take into account the levels of opportunity from ergonomic risk and musculoskeletal disorders severity and frequency. Multiple logistic regression was used to analyze the potential factors associated with MSDs risk and significant factors presented  an adjusted Odd Ratio (ORAdj) and 95%CI confidence interval (95%CI) at p-value <0.05. The results revealed that MSDs risks were classified into two group level namely low risk of MSDs and high risk of MSDs with 33.00% and 67.00%, respectively. Factors related to the high risk of MSDs were  significantly were : sitting in the same position longer than 2 hours (ORAdj =4.32, 95% CI = 1.22–15.26) and had inappropriate front area of workstation elevation (ORAdj = 1.97, 95% CI = 1.05–3.69). According to the results of this study, it can be used as basic information for planning the prevention of MSDs of electronic employees to improve the workstation leveland training to educate according to the correct ergonomics posture to reduce the risk of chronics musculoskeletal diseases.


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