Effect of a Social Support and Health Literacy Program on Resilience of Older Persons During COVID-19 Pandemic in a Community, Khon Kaen Province
Social support, Resilience, Older persons, COVID-19Abstract
This quasi-experimental research design aimed to study the effect of a social support and health literacy program on resilience of older persons during Covid-19 pandemic in a community, Khon Kaen Province. The samples were 27 persons aged 60 years and over living with family in Nong Bua Subdistrict, Ban Fang District, Khon Kaen Province. Data were obtained between March to August 2022. Research instrument was a social support and health literacy program which developed base on social support and health literacy concepts. Data collection instruments included personal questionnaire for older adult and family and Thai Elderly Resilience Scale (TERS). Data analysis was performed by descriptive statistics and repeated measure ANOVA. The result of this study revealed that there was statistical significance difference in the mean resilience score of pre-activities, post-activities and four-week follow up (p<0.05).
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