Smart Cryotherapy Machine with Temperature Monitor of Cool Pack for Athletic First-Aid Treatment of Acute Injuries during Sport Competition
Cryotherapy for first-aid treatment, Peltier cooler, Cool-pack temperature monitoringAbstract
First-aid treatment using cryotherapy for athletic acute injuries during sport competition must continuously maintain inflamed-skin temperature within 10-15 °C for no more than 20 min. In this research, a Smart Cryotherapy Machine with Temperature Monitor (SCMTM) of cool pack is developed and constructed with 2 main parts: 1) a machine using 4 peltier or Thermo-Electric Cooler (TEC) modules to conduct heat out from a Cool Pack (CP) within 3 hours during refrigeration, 2) a real-time temperature-data transmission system from a BME-280 sensor through Wi-Fi using ESP8266/ESP32 board during a 20-min cryotherapy treatment. From experimental results, average surface temperature of CP can be reduced by 29.2ºC after refrigerating for 3 hours and average athletic skin temperature can be lowered by 13.0ºC during 20-min cryotherapy treatment
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