Deep Transfer Learning for Pediatric Respiratory Sound Classification
Deep transfer learning, Classifying pediatric respiratory sound, Spectrogram image analysisAbstract
Lower respiratory tract infections (LRTIs) in infants are a major global health problem that can lead to illness and death. The cause of infections can be from a variety of bacteria or viruses, resulting in different breathing sounds. Diagnosis of LRTIs in infants is complex because lungs and heart are close together. This study emphasized on a development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems for classifying infant breathing sounds using Deep Transfer Learning (DTL) techniques. Five DTL models: VGG-16, VGG-19, EfficientNet B0, EfficientNet B7, and MobileNet were applied to classify respiratory-sound images in both frequency and time domains for 5 different types of respiratory sounds: Normal, Crackle, Rhonchi, Stridor and Wheezing. MobileNet model achieves the highest accuracy of more than 80%, comparing to the other 4 DTL models. Thus, MobileNet model has a strong potential to be used for assisting medical personnel to accurate diagnosis of LRTIs in infants and enabling appropriate and timely treatment.
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