Variable Tap-Length Mixed-Tone RLS-based Per-Tone Equalisation with Adaptive Implementation

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Suchada Sitjongsataporn


In this paper, a methodology of mixed-tone recursive least squares algorithm development based on an orthogonal projection approach and a new variable tap-length mechanism is presented for per-tone equalisation (PTEQ) in discrete multitone systems. A mixed-tone cost function described as the sum of weight estimated errors is minimised to achieve the solutions for different per-tone equalisers simultaneously. We describe about the inverse square-root recursive least squares algorithm based upon the QRdecomposition which preserves the Hermitian symmetry of the inverse autocorrelation matrix by means of the product of square-root matrix and its Hermitian transpose. Such symmetrical property lends the benefit to the parallel implementation. In order to reduce the computational complexity, a new variable tap-length algorithm based on the sense of mean square mixted-tone errors is introduced to search a proper choice of tap-length of PTEQ. Simulation results show the improvement of achievable bit rate and signal to noise ratio performance as compared to the PTEQ exploiting conventional recursive least squares algorithm.

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How to Cite
Sitjongsataporn, S. (2011). Variable Tap-Length Mixed-Tone RLS-based Per-Tone Equalisation with Adaptive Implementation. ECTI Transactions on Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Communications, 10(2), 179–188.
Communication Systems


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