Protection System Adjustment for High Penetration of Distributed Generation

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Titti Saksornchai
Bundhit Eua-arporn


Excessive number and capacity of Distributed Generation (DG) may cause problems to distribution systems. To maintain existing protection coordination, the system can generally allow DG to be connected at a limited capacity. In case of more DGs are to be connected, it is a challenging issue for distribution system engineers to conduct protection adjustment for which the system can allow increased level of DG penetration. This paper proposes three methods, concerning protection system adjustment, to allow high DG penetration, consisting of over-current protection resetting, directional recloser application, and fuse replacement with recloser. The rst method will help relieve the system constraint from existing pick-up current settings whereas the second one helps solve the problem of mis-operation of the mid-line recloser caused by DG back feed fault current. The nal method will be used to maintain fuse saving scheme. In this paper, the developed methods are simulated with a test system to illustrate their eectiveness on allowing higher penetration of DG to the system.

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How to Cite
Saksornchai, T., & Eua-arporn, B. (2013). Protection System Adjustment for High Penetration of Distributed Generation. ECTI Transactions on Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Communications, 11(1), 76–84.
Electrical Power Systems


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