Sidelobe Reduction in a Planar Array using Genetic Algorithm under Backlobe Reduction Condition

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Reena Manandhar
Prapun Suksompong
Chalie Charoenlarpnopparut


The peak sidelobe level (PSL) minimizing amplitude weights for planar array, with 3D beamforming under the backlobe level reduction (BLL) condition is proposed. Binary genetic algorithm (BGA) is performed on the amplitude weights to achieve low PSL. BLL reduction condition for the inter-element distance between the antenna elements is applied to achieve reduced BLL. Earlier studies only focus on minimizing sidelobe level of planar array. BLL reduction condition has not yet been applied for planar array case. Hence a different way of achieving the amplitude weights to reduce PSL with 3D beamforming using BGA, under the BLL reduction condition is proposed in this paper. Obtained PSL and BLL for  planar array by applying optimized weights under BLL condition is -20.89 dB and -2.37 dB respectively. PSL is reduced by 8.84 dB compared to  uniform planar array. BLL is reduced by 2.37 dB compared to planar array discussed in existing research work.

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How to Cite
Manandhar, R., Suksompong, P., & Charoenlarpnopparut, C. (2017). Sidelobe Reduction in a Planar Array using Genetic Algorithm under Backlobe Reduction Condition. ECTI Transactions on Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Communications, 16(1), 1–8.
Communication Systems


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