A 0.5 - 5.5 GHz Distributed Low Noise Amplifier

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Errikos Lourandakis
Fotis Plessas
Grigorios Kalivas


The Low Noise Ampli¯er (LNA) presented in this work is a 3-stage fully integrated Distributed Amplifier (DA) using a 0.35 ¹m BiCMOS SiGe process. The circuit was designed for integration and for this reason the di®erent parasitical phenomena that concern the spiral inductors and the packaging were evaluated in detail. Noise Figure (NF) and linearity were also investigated through simulations. The designed amplifier offers a gain of about 7 dB with a gain flatness of gif.latex?\pm0.6 dB over the bandwidth 0.5-5.5 GHz and an average noise ¯gure of 3.2 dB. The RF input port is matched to 50 gif.latex?\Omega­, with worst-case return loss of 10 dB over the whole bandwidth. The input-referred P1dB point varies from 2.2 dBm at 1 GHz to 3.1 dBm at 5 GHz. Within the same bandwidth the IP3 varies from 6 dBm to 13.3 dBm. The estimated power consumption is 82.5 mW from a 3V power supply.

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How to Cite
Lourandakis, E., Plessas, F., & Kalivas, G. (2007). A 0.5 - 5.5 GHz Distributed Low Noise Amplifier. ECTI Transactions on Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Communications, 6(1), 26–31. https://doi.org/10.37936/ecti-eec.200861.171747
Research Article


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