Multi-view Video Based Object Segmentation - A Tutorial

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ChunHui Cui
Qian Zhang
KingNgi Ngan


Video based object segmentation (VBOS) is an important step in many computer vision and multimedia tasks such as video editing and compositing. In recent years, multi-view VBOS systems have become more and more popular because the stereo clues from multiview data can be efficiently incorporated to improve the segmentation results and eliminate the required initial user input. In this paper, we give a review on recent development of multi-view VBOS systems and the related techniques including data acquisition, camera calibration, depth reconstruction, object segmentation and tracking. Furthermore, we introduce our multiple objects segmentation system from multiview video sequence to illustrate the practical implementation of multi-view VBOS system for 3D video rendering applications.

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How to Cite
Cui, C., Zhang, Q., & Ngan, K. (2008). Multi-view Video Based Object Segmentation - A Tutorial. ECTI Transactions on Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Communications, 7(2), 1–16.
Research Article


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