Wave probabilistic functions, entanglement and quasi-non-ergodic models

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Miroslav Svitek


The paper presents the theory of wave probabilistic models together with their important features like inclusion-exclusion rule, product rule and entanglement. These features are  athematically described and the illustrative example is shown to demonstrate the possible applications of the theory. The presented theory can be also applied for modeling of quasi-non-ergodic probabilistic systems. First of all we show the new methodology on binary non-ergodic time series. The theory is extended into M-dimensional non-ergodic n-valued systems with linear ergodicity evolution that are called quasi-on-ergodic probabilistic systems.

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How to Cite
Svitek, M. (2008). Wave probabilistic functions, entanglement and quasi-non-ergodic models. ECTI Transactions on Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Communications, 7(2), 55–62. https://doi.org/10.37936/ecti-eec.200972.171892
Research Article


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