Simulation of Surface Mesh Deformation in Orthodontics by Mass-Spring Model

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Pathomphong Phannurat
Wichit Tharanon
Chanjira Sinthanayothin


The mass-spring model has been used to describe elastically deformable models such as skin, textiles, and soft tissue in computer graphics. A mass-spring mesh is composed of a network of masses and springs, in which each edge is a spring. We apply the mass spring system to mesh deformation in 3D orthodontic simulation, the movement of which is evaluated using the numerical integration of the fundamental law of dynamics based on the 4th-order Runge-Kutta method. Computational quantity and accuracy is demonstrated on test and dental cast model examples. The experimental results show that it can simulate the deformation change in real time and display the results vividly.

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How to Cite
Phannurat, P., Tharanon, W., & Sinthanayothin, C. (2009). Simulation of Surface Mesh Deformation in Orthodontics by Mass-Spring Model. ECTI Transactions on Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Communications, 9(2), 292–296.
Research Article


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