Channel Estimation and Equalization Using FIM for MIMO-OFDM on Doubly Selective Faded Noisy Channels
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Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) plays an important role in wireless communication due to its high transmission rate. Information is conveyed across spatial and temporal dimensions through the space-time shift keying (STSK) technique which is basically used to handle multiplexing diversity and gains. On the other hand, index modulation integrated OFDM not only communicates information through conventional signal constellations as in classical OFDM, but also through indexes of the subcarriers. In index modulation, the subcarriers are transmitted over a particular index and can be implemented effectively. The active indices are selected and further information bits transmitted. In this paper, to handle such limitations, the deep neural network (DNN) has been proposed for end-to-end performance. Under the noisy and faded channel scenario, channel state information must be acquired to recover the transmitted signal correctly. To evaluate the channel distortion level, a deep learning model is trained offline from simulated data and then applied to online data to estimate and recover the channel state as well as the transmitted signal, respectively, in comparison to the traditional least minimum mean square error (LMMSE) channel estimation technique. The analysis results demonstrate superiority over the conventional LMMSE for channel estimation and signal detection in wireless communications with complex channel distortion and interference. The mean square error (MSE) is evaluated for carrying out performance information in each subcarrier block and to reduce the detector error rate.
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