Synchrophasor-Based Online Transient Stability Assessment Using Regression Models
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An online post-fault transient stability assessment method is proposed in this study using synchrophasor or PMU measurements. Initially, a post-fault multimachine system is converted into a suitable one machine infinite bus (OMIB) system using the single machine equivalent (SIME) method. Thus, the -
trajectory obtained through the OMIB system enabled a normalized transient stability index to be calculated offline. By using synchrophasor measurements before and during the fault as inputs, the regression model can be trained offline to predict the normalized stability margins. Following a fault, the synchrophasor measurements are used as input to this trained model for online stability margin prediction. If the predicted margin is negative, then the post-fault power system is indicated to be unstable. Alternatively, positive values for the predicted margin identify the system as stable. The proposed assessment method is verified using the New England (NE) 39 bus test system. The results obtained are then compared with offline simulations.
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