Comprehensive Survey on Fault Detection and Classification in Three-Phase Induction Motors
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Electric motors have revolutionized the way of human living and resulted in the modern lifestyle. These motors often operate in corrosive and dusty places and are exposed to a variety of undesirable conditions and situations that result in the failure of the motor. The faults occurring in Induction Motors (IM) need to be detected at a proper time for avoiding losses and further consequences. A well-designed fault detection scheme not only reduces motor failure but also increases productivity and even sometimes avoids accidents. This paper presents a review of fault detection and classification techniques in three-phase induction motors (TPIM). The main theme of this paper is to revisit the conventional methods for fault detection in TPIM and compare them with recently published methods based on parameters to be sensed, and the type of fault that can be detected, with their advantages and drawbacks. Around a hundred papers are critically reviewed and studied from old and new regimes. Attention is also given to fault detection methods based on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). This paper concludes with brief remarks which will be very useful for new researchers who are willing to research in the domain of fault detection and classification.
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