Rehabilitation and Extension Study for Water Supply System in Chombueng District of Ratchaburi Province

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Panida Seemawute
Yuttasak Ananthadejsak


The aim of this study is to determine a fundamental appropriation for a rehabilitation and extension of water supply in Chombueng District, Ratchaburi Province. A primary survey demonstrated that Chombueng District has been supplied by ground water. With this unqualified water supply, community did not desire for any consumptions. In order to achieve an adequate need in the next 15 years, other raw water has been determined for supporting the extension of the water supply. Huai Mai Teng reservoir, where locates approximately 19 kilometer away from the project area, has a potential to supply an adequate raw water. This study has been divided into two cases. The first case was implemented by utilizing raw water from both ground water and Huai Mai Teng reservoir. Another case applied to Huai Mai Teng reservoir solely. As the result, the first case was economically indicated as the most appropriate alternative by providing a benefit-cost ratio of 0.95 with duration of 15 years. However, this case required an enhancing of daily capacity from 150 to 250 cubic meters. Some pipe sizes have been adjusted regarding a design criteria.

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