Factors Affecting the Acceptance of Linking Data between Government and Business Sectors

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Arnont Yonghuay
Arnon Tubtiang


This research is a study of Factors Affecting the Acceptance of Linking Data Between Government and Business Sectors. By applying the main theoretical concepts about Technology acceptance theory (UTAUT) and adapted models from the technology acceptance theory (UTAUT) used in the study influence on acceptance and use of open data technology. The concept of digital government development plans for economy and society And the concept of the Open Government Maturity Model (OGMM) to be used in creating a conceptual framework which consists of performance expectancy, Effort Expectancy, social influence, Digital Capabilities, Government Policy Support, Voluntariness of use to study the influence of all factors on the acceptance of data links between government and business sectors. By collecting 420 questionnaires from government and business sectors that used to exchange information on an online network such as one-way communication or two-way communication. That voluntary factors in use Government support Expectation and social influence Affecting the acceptance of government data linkage with statistical significance at the level of 0.05

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