Analysis of Bias Adjusted Rainfall Estimates Using PRECIS Scenario A2 & B2 in Northeastern with the Data Collected from Rain Gauge Stations

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Ratchawech Hanchoowong
Walairat Boonthai
Siriluk ChumChean


Since there are variations in the future rainfall estimates using PRECIS Scenario A2 & B2 due to its limitations, rainfall amount estimates using PRECIS Scenario A2 & B2, then, need to be lowered its variations before being utilized. Thus, the objective of this study is to analyze and find bias adjustments of the rainfall estimates using PRECIS Scenario A2 & B2 comparing to the reliable tested rainfall amount from 265 rain gauge stations at The Royal Irrigation Department, all from the same positions which covers all study area in 20 Provinces: Maha Sarakham, Nakhon Phanom, Roi Et, Sakon Nakhon, Si Sa Ket, Nakhon Ratchasima, Nong Khai, Bueng Kan, Nong Bua Lam Phu, Amnat Charoen, Udon Thani, Ubon Ratchathani, Buri Ram, Chaiyaphum, Mukdahan, Surin, Yasothon, Kalasin, Khon Kaen and Loei during the year 1980-2012. The accuracy percentage, between Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of the rainfall amount from the rain gauge stations and rainfall estimates from PRECIS Scenario A2 & B2 after being bias adjusted with less annual average, monthly average and daily average comparing to non-bias adjusted RMSE of the rainfall amount from the rain gauge stations and rainfall amount estimates from PRECIS Scenario A2 & B2 at the same position, was considered to be an appropriate method of bias adjustment. The study shows that the average monthly bias adjustment is the most suitable for the bias adjustment of the rainfall amount estimates using PRECIS Scenario A2 with 1.05 % increase in the accuracy value whereas average annual bias adjustment with 0.02% increase and average daily bias adjustment is 21.10% less accurate respectively. Additionally, the average monthly bias adjustment is also the most suitable for the bias adjustment for PRECIS Scenario B2 with 1.08% increase in the accuracy value whereas the average annual and daily bias adjustment is 0.17% and 18.36% less accurate respectively.

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Research Articles


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