Influence of Soil Properties on Zinc Adsorption from Sewage Sludge Leachate in Soils

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Suppakiet Sripanomthanakorn


This research studied the influence of soil properties on Zn adsorption from sewage sludge leachate in soils. Twenty-seven soil types were selected as the soil samples from agricultural areas within Bangkok and nearby provinces. A sewage sludge sample was collected from the Nongkhaem Central Sewage Sludge Treatment Plant, Bangkok. The adsorption experiments were carried out with the sewage sludge leachate at 25+0.5 OC over a period of 6 days. The results showed that the Freundlich isotherm effectively described the adsorption phenomena of the Zn in all soil types with the coefficients of determination (r2) of 0.958-0.995 (P-value < 0.01). The sorption coefficient (Kf) ranged from 11.687 to 101.414 (mg/kg)(L/mg)1/nand positively correlated with pH, Fe- oxide, CaCO3, Mn-oxide, CEC, clay and organic matter content in soils. Results from the sequential extraction of the sorbed Zn in soils indicated that the predominance of Zn associated with the carbonated bound and Fe-Mn oxide bound fractions. Correlation analysis between soil properties and different Zn fractions indicated that soil CEC was the most important soil properties that affect the mobility of Zn retained in the soils.

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Research Articles


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