Effect of milling-roller Shapes on sugarcane juice extraction rate

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Pitak Promthaisong
Preecha Samruaisin
Rungson Maza
Smith Eiamsa-Ard
Kedmanee Buntumporn
Wareesa Chuwattanakul


This paper presents the effect of milling roller types and speed rotation of rollers on the rate of sugarcane juice production and specific energy consumption. The experiment was carried out using sugarcane Supanburi 50 as the raw material. Four different milling roller types (helical-type, V-type, gear-type of N = 39, gear-type of N = 92 and pyramid-type) were operated at four different speeds (15, 20, 25 and 28 rpm). The experimental results showed that the rate of sugarcane juice production of V-type yielded up to 1057 kg/hr which was 5%, 3%, 5%, and 4% higher than those yielded by helical-type, V-type, gear-type of N = 39, gear-type of N = 39 and pyramid-type, respectively.  In addition, the use of the V-type milling roller resulted in the minimum specific energy consumption which is as low as 0.929 kJ/kg.

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