A Study of Unsafe Behaviors of Construction Labors in the Housing Projects in Bangkok and Vicinities

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Yuthiporn Chauydon
Kuldech Sinthawanarong


This research investigates frequency of occurrences of unsafe behaviors of construction labors. Data collection was conducted from the housing construction projects in Bangkok and vicinities. A survey method was adopted by using standardized questionnaire and in-depth interview as the instruments for gathering data from 385 construction labors. The interview technique applied with this research is the peer evaluation technique for which each respondent expressed his/her own opinions on the reasons of unsafe behaviors of the colleague groups working in the same project. The results demonstrated that ignoring to wear personal protective equipment (Mean = 3.64), Improper wear clothes (Mean = 3.33), have behaviors to risk (Mean = 3.04), Improper lifting or handling and moving objects and materials (Mean = 2.77), Annoying and horseplay at workplace (Mean = 2.69), Working and operating at improper speed (Mean = 2.61), were the major unsafe acts frequently occurring. As the results demonstrated the real reasons of those unsafe behaviors and used this data for designing the prevention methods and management program in construction projects, thus increasing the effecting to quality of construction later.

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