Business Model Innovation Roadmap (BMI-R): Insights from an Action Research in a German SME
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Business model innovation (BMI) is one of the most trending topics for CEOs and executives. Digitalization is advancing fast and companies need to innovate their business model at a more rapid pace to adapt to the accelerated changes in market conditions. This paper outlines an action research study where the business model innovation roadmap (BMI-R) is tested in a German SME. The company operates in the postal delivery sector. The firm had no structured approach for business model innovation, and even less within the context of digital transformation. The results from the action research study indicate that one of the most challenging part is to identify potential digital technologies for the business model. Moreover, resource allocation is recognized as a difficult task. The proposed BMI-R approach supported the company to start the BMI process, however some difficulties could be noticed concerning the linkage between the three different layers. The workshop procedure to delineate the BMI-R of the company has proved to be beneficial and contributed to a high interaction between the participants. The BMI-R gives a high-level view of the BMI process, and helps to define an action plan during the digital transformation of the business model.
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Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Mahanakorn University of Technology
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