Design of gasket surface extrusion equipment Reduce time, process improvement, gasket extrusion equipment

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Usawadee Inklay


This research aims to reduce time in gasket production of case study company A. This research applies work study for determining the operation standard time. In deep analysis of time study, the data reveals that preparing surfacing extrusion process is the main problem because it takes the longest processing time and lot of work force. Therefore, the principles of tool engineering and design theory to analyze the designs, determine dimensions, and select materials for each part under the constraints of the workpiece and practical use in the design of auxiliary equipment for gasket surface extrusion. Next, the proposed equipment is tested in real operation. The results indicate that the proposed equipment can be applied efficiently for this process and reduced the surfacing extrusion process time significantly from 4.30 minutes to 2.20 minutes and reduced the gasket production time from 11.35 minutes to 9.76 minutes.


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