A review of heat transfer enhancement with baffle turbulators
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Surface modification, turbulator insertion, duct/tube form modification, and nanofluid application are among the most extensively used heat transfer improvement techniques. Surface modification with artificial roughness, such as baffles and similar devices, is one of the most effective ways to generate turbulence in air channels used as heat exchangers, and solar air heaters. In general, the usage of rough surfaces resulted in both preferred heat transfer enhancement and an undesirable friction loss. To assess the augmented system's practical use, the overall thermal performance is assessed while accounting for both heat transfer augmentation and friction loss. The baffle turbulator is one of the passive methods to improve heat transfer rates. This research focuses on a literature review of solar air heaters using baffle turbulators. The research discusses the heat transfer characteristics and thermal performance enhancements of several types of baffle turbulators.
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Copyright @2021 Engineering Transactions
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Mahanakorn University of Technology
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